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The Lincolnshire Show Schools’ Challenge Competition Launches! 31 Oct

It’s that time of year again! We are thrilled to launch the Schools’ Challenge for 2023.

Information has made its way to doorsteps of all Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Independent and SEN schools and Early Years providers in Greater Lincolnshire and surrounding areas.

In this project-based competition, we have ten fantastic challenges to choose from intrinsically linked to the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework. With a focus around food, farming, the local community, the environment, and sustainability it’s not to be missed. The challenges hope to inspire young minds to gain a better understanding of Lincolnshire’s rich history, with the chance to strengthen softer skills that go way beyond the classroom including developing confidence, resilience, independence, and team-building skills all whilst putting learning into context. The wealth of enrichment potential is endless.

The challenges are student-led and encourage them to research and develop their ideas within school with plenty of help along the way. All schools involved are supported on their Schools’ Challenge journey through a launch event with speakers and networking opportunities, twilight support sessions throughout the year and are given the opportunity to connect with experts in their field offering advice and guidance on the challenge themes.

How you run the project is completely up to you. Each challenge has a key to help you decide if you want to run a quicker project or extend by planting and growing within the school. You may like to run the Schools’ Challenge as a class, year group or even whole school project? How about extending into your after-school clubs, gardening group, nurture group or even external associations like Scouts?

The Schools’ Challenge competition culminates in a thrilling showcase of students work to judges and the general public at the Lincolnshire Show (21 & 22 June 2023), all competing for Schools’ Challenge Champion!

Take a look at our exciting challenges for 2023 and information on how to sign up here!

We are delighted with what’s in store this year with some exciting new topics!

Challenge updates:

Soil Science! – Delving into the role of an agronomist (crop doctor), students must carry out a scientific experiment to test different soils and how crops can grow best under different conditions, while considering the environment and carbon stores.

Growing Resilience - In response to the Government’s Health and Wellbeing Plan, students are tasked with a way of improving wellbeing amongst their school and local community. Students develop an area of land to bring about solace and calm - while developing new skills within agriculture and horticulture.

Roots and Hooves – Showcasing the legacies of Lincolnshire. Students focus on one of Lincolnshire’s assets, from the Lincolnshire Sausage to the Lincoln Longwool and create a marketing plan to put Lincolnshire’s heritage firmly on the map.

Nature Nurture – Creating your very own ‘nature reserve’ a protected area for flora and fauna. Researching and implementing a plan of action to support habitats and increase biodiversity.

The Power of Water – Flooding is often an increasing issue. Students are tasked to develop their own drainage system with a miniature model creation.

Here’s what the teachers had to say:

“As a teacher I would recommend the Schools’ Challenge experience to anyone. Not only does it require the children to communicate and collaborate, but it can help teacher’s when providing examples of widening curriculum opportunities to Ofsted.”

“We have LOVED taking part in the Schools’ Challenge this year. Thank you for the opportunity to showcase our brilliant learning and to learn much, much more. It’s been fantastic!”

“How wonderful and impressive to see so many schools and children of ranging ages taking part in this. Well done…for encouraging the link between farming and schools.”

With thanks to our sponsors

Each year we have the generous investment of our sponsors which allows the prestigious Schools’ Challenge to go ahead. The Lincolnshire Agricultural Society is a charity organisation and the education team rely on external support to offer a year-round programme that is inclusive of all.

Thank you to our sponsors and associated volunteers who are fantastic advocates for LAS education:

Branston, farmacy, Waterside Shopping, FCC environment, Dyson Farming and ADA 

Thanks to sponsors

Would you like to be an Industry Ambassador for the Schools’ Challenge?

With the launch of the Schools’ Challenge, we would like to introduce additional support for our schools.

Do you have a small amount of spare time on your hands?

Would you like to connect with a school local to you and help guide students, offering industry advice and expertise?

We are looking to increase the number of Industry Ambassadors (Farming Mentors) we can provide schools with, due to the popularity of the Schools’ Challenge. Our current Ambassadors have been able to offer a range of support methods, from email, phone and school visits, and you can offer whatever time you are able to commit. The Schools’ Challenge offers a mix of ten challenges, concentrating on food, farming, the environment and sustainability, but quite often, it is the practical advice that can make the difference for a school – farming knowledge is not always required. Many Ambassadors provide a sounding board for ideas or can help get an idea off the ground with their expertise of the industry.

If you would like to join our family of Ambassadors and partner with a school for the competition, please contact the Suzy Stone – Lincolnshire Agricultural Society Education Team,

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