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2024 Lincolnshire Farming Conference Announced 12 Jan

Every year the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society hosts the Lincolnshire Farming Conference and this year the event is taking place on Thursday 8th February. Where likeminded individuals in agriculture gather to discuss and exchange knowledge, ideas and innovations relating to industry trends, sustainability, practices, and technology as well as a specific topic as the main focus for each annual conference. This year’s theme is Future Farming Opportunities: Biodiversity & Carbon and will feature talks from several captivating speakers from the agricultural world.

The Lincolnshire Farming Conference brings together a selection of speakers highlighting some of the current environmental opportunities for the rural sector. Businesses will need to ensure they build resilience for future sustainability. Whatever the political party, the direction of travel is clear and focuses on looking to achieve the environmental targets that have been set, alongside the additional land uses of maintaining food and energy production and development.

The day begins at 8:30am with workshops hosted by our sponsors which you won’t want to miss. Shakespeare Martineau, Streets, Brown & Co JH Walter are hosting a workshop on “BNG, Carbon, voluntary biodiversity markets – what on earth does this mean for me, I just want to farm!” or you may be interested in the workshop hosted by Anglian Water and the University of Lincoln on “Practical steps to building farm resilience.

The Chair, Kelly Hewson-Fisher will open the conference prior to a full programme including talks from Michael Kavanagh from Green Farm Collective, Liz Bowles CEO of the Carbon Cutting Toolkit, Neil Fuller from Sustainable Landscapes, James Brown from Polybell Farm – The Lapwing Estate, David Webster CEO of LEAF and Janet Hughes from Future Farming and Countryside Programme. Sharing success stories and lessons learned from experienced experts. These insights can inspire others and provide practical tips for overcoming challenges.

We are pleased to announce this year’s event sponsors as Omex, Woldmarsh, Streets, Shakespeare Martineau, Anglian Water, Dallas Scott Davey, CLAAS, Brown & Co JH Walter and University of Lincoln Agri-Food Dept.

Tickets cost £15 for adults, £6 for students (plus booking fee) and are free of charge to members of the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society using your discount code. All tickets also include a complementary lunch. Don’t forget you can collect BASIS and NRoSO points by attending this conference!

To book a place at the 2024 Lincolnshire Farming Conference, visit:

For regular updates, follow the Lincolnshire Farming Conference on X (Formally Twitter) @LincsShowground or join the conversation at #LFC2024.

For more information about the annual Lincolnshire Farming Conference, please visit or call 01522 522900 for further details.

Each conference is a networking opportunity for fellow farmers, industry experts, suppliers and potential collaborators facilitating the exchange of ideas and experiences. Attending the Lincolnshire Farming Conference will be valuable for staying updated on industry trends, learning about new technologies, and building a network of contacts within the agricultural community. It’s a way for farmers to continuously improve their operations and contribute to the overall advancement of the agricultural sector within Lincolnshire and the country. We hope you will spare the time to join us!

For more information about exhibiting at next year’s event or on upcoming events at the Lincolnshire Showground visit or email or call 01522 522900.

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