Events, recipes & behind the scenes gossip from the Showground

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Showground 23 Dec

We'd like to thank all our visitors and friends for your support during 2020.

It's been an interesting year for us all, but we are raising a glass to the future and looking forward to welcoming you back to the Showground in 2021.

2020 was the year of the virtual event, and in June we successfully took the Lincolnshire Show Online for the first time in its 136 year history - welcoming 60,000 visitors to the online platform!

In September, we opened the gates for our brand new event, Sunday Funday - the outdoor family event was a huge success with performances, local food stands and entertainment.

We've also engaged with hundreds of children through our Education Programme, including Farmhouse Breakfast Week and our online Lincolnshire Day event. Education is at the heart of the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's charitable objectives, and by arranging or attending an event at the Showground you're helping us to continue this work - so thank you.

The Showground has been used as a drive through Covid-19 testing station for the majority of the year, and we are proud to play a small part in the fight against the pandemic by providing our outdoor space as a testing facility.

With recent news of the Coronavirus vaccine we are hopeful that we can return to some form of normality in the near future, and look forward to welcoming you back to the Showground when it is safe to do so. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Educating Lincolnshire students on the importance farming
Educating Lincolnshire students on the importance farming

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16 Nov
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Long Service Awards - Nominations are Open

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28 Feb
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