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Pom-poms at the ready for Lincs FM presenters 14 Jun

The Lincolnshire Show is one of the highlights of the year for Lincs FM - and we have the same sense of anticipation as everyone else as we start seeing the marquees going up!

Each year we host a stage at the show and fill it with entertainment. This year, we've decided to launch our own talent contest, 'Lincolnshire Showstoppers' to look for local acts that could wow the crowds. The response was fantastic! We held auditions on a sunny afternoon at the Lincolnshire Showground's Epic Centre, and were treated to a bit of everything.. from Michael Jackson impersonators to dancing dogs and Irish dancing. You'll be able to see those and many more over the two days of the Lincolnshire Show at the Lincs FM stage, which is located near the Sports Zone!

There's one particular act that's always the highlight of each day, and that's when the Lincs FM presenters take to the stage. Each year they're challenged to put together a performance that stretches them, takes them out of their comfort zone - and hopefully entertains! They've formed their own band, joined a choir, become Butlins' Redcoats and more. However, this year challenges them physically and more than any other! We've enlisted the help of Cobra Elite Cheerleading Group from Lincoln to put together a routine that involves far more than just waving pom-poms around. Acrobatics, gymnastics and physical strength are all required as they support and lift other cheerleaders in a challenging routine. Come and see it for yourself, they'll be on stage just after 3pm each day. We'll have the bandages and ice packs ready!

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